Welcome to our school
Our Vision Statement
Jesus’ promise of “life in all its fullness” (John 10.10)
A warm welcome to Idle CE (A) Primary School! We are a Church school at the centre of our community in Bradford and have a reputation for providing an all-round education where children are at the heart of everything we do.
We have 420 places available for pupils and are consistently oversubscribed. We do hold a waiting list of places, so do contact us if you are interested in your child joining our school at any point in their school career.
Our status as a church school is fundamental to who we are at Idle CE(A) Primary School. This is theologically rooted in our Christian Vision of:
Jesus’ promise of “life in all its fullness” (John 10.10)
for children, young people and adults within our school community to flourish. We are driven by our vision to nurture Christian hope and high expectations for all involved with education of the pupils in our care and to serve the common good. This vision is lived out in our daily acts of worship as well as in the fabric of our school life. We seek to give children the experiences, skills and opportunities to become active, responsible citizens and serve their community. This forms the basis of our inspiring curriculum where personal development runs alongside academic achievement and our pupils are enabled to learn more about themselves and others.
Idle CE (A) Primary is a friendly, welcoming school and we want our children to feel that they belong here. We pride ourselves on how well our staff know each child as an individual and the pastoral support we offer children and their families in times of need. Our community is strengthened by our active PTFA who organise regular events for children and parents and fundraise for whole school projects. Parents and carers are strongly encouraged to be involved in their child’s school life through supporting them both academically and socially, attending parent consultations and open evenings as well as participating in school events.
Our broad and balanced curriculum offer is designed to engage and inspire our learners, enabling them to flourish in their own, unique ways. It is filled with opportunities for our children to showcase their skills, talents and abilities in a wide-range of different subjects, be it academic, creative or sporting. We work closely with Bradford Music and Arts Service to provide whole-class instrumental opportunities throughout KS2 as well as access to peripatetic lessons within school. Our pupils also take part in a wide range of sporting activities, both within school and in competition with other schools across the district and we work closely with Sports UK to provide extra-curricular opportunities for pupils.
We very much look forward to welcoming you and your child to Idle CE (A) Primary School. Should you wish to visit our school, please make an appointment via the school office team.
Anne Mason