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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Summer Term 2024

Summer 2

Week 1

What an exciting week we've had in Year 1!  This week, we went on a school trip to Cannon Hall Farm.  We saw lots of traditional farm animals and even got to feed some!  The farm was home to lots of different animals which we learnt about on our tour around the farm.  We got to see a variety of different mammals, reptiles, fish and insects!  We even had chance to feed some of the animals and enjoy some time in the play area!

When we came back to school, we wrote a recount of our trip to Cannon Hall Farm to tell everyone else about it.  

Week 2

This week we have been learning all about fractions.  We found out that half means 'two equal parts' and have practised finding half of some 2D shapes.  We then began to look at finding half of an amount by sharing items into two equal groups

In Geography, we have been learning all about the UK and using maps, atlases and globes to help us find countries and capital cities.  We even spotted some of the places we visit on holiday!  


Week 3 

This week, we celebrated sculpture week in school.  In year 1, we have been learning how to make 3d models using 2d materials such as paper and cardboard. We began our week by looking at sculptures by Samantha Stephenson and describing her work.  We then began to think about how we could manipulate paper to make different shapes.  We practised twisting, folding, bending and curling to create different shapes and effects.  Later in the week, we practised our teamwork skills by working together to turn old newspapers into 3D insects.  We made butterflies and spiders using only paper, masking tape and paint. 

Check out our insects on display outside our classroom! 

Week 4

This week, Year 1 have been making the most of the summer sunshine by taking some of their learning outdoors.  In science, we went on a seasonal walk to observe, describe and discuss how the plants in our school grounds have changed as we enter summer.  We noticed that a lot of the plants had grown taller and were full of healthy leaves.  The willow is also starting to grow taller, although some of it’s leaves look to have been eaten by some hungry insects!

We have also been busy gardening and planting in our outdoor area.  We have potted some young plants outside our classroom door which we hope will now grow and flower.  We also planted our own sunflower seeds and are excited to observe and watch them grow.

After our seasonal walk, Miss Booth and Mr Boocock set us a special challenge to take a picture using only natural resources.  We worked in pairs to make pictures of our favourite things... everything from our favourite book characters to our favourite animals.  

Week 5

This week we noticed that some of our sunflower seeds have grown roots and shoots!  We have been watching them every day, watering them gently and making sure they get lots of sunlight.  We have started to record our observations in a plant diary. 

Week 6

This week we were visited by the Bradford Road Safety Team who came into school and reminded us how to walk next to and cross roads safely.  We learnt about the Green Cross Code and the things we must do to make sure we arrive alive! 


Week 7

This week we have been writing summer poems, inspired by nature and changes in summer.  We went outside to collect natural resources and make a nature strip.  We then used the nature strip to make counting poems describing the objects we found.

It was so much fun sitting under the trees, making, writing and sharing our poems together! 


Summer 1

Week 1

This week we started our new book, Handa’s Surprise.  We spoke about the front cover and made some predictions before reading the story.  In provision, we enjoyed making stick puppets and reading the book to each other.  

"I love the book because there’s a monkey in it and I love monkeys." MN

"I like the part when the animals steal the fruit because it's funny!"  RW

In RE, we have been learning about the Islamic celebration of Eid.  We made pictures and decorated cards to give to our friends who were celebrating. 

We have also started our new computing unit and we are learning to programme robots.  This week we learnt our directions, left, right, forward and backwards and even got to dance to the Cha Cha Slide! We are looking forward to programming the robots next week. 


Week 2 

This week, we have been learning about different fruits and vegetables.  We sorted them into groups before discussing which fruits we already enjoy and others we might like to try.   In DT, we designed some healthy fruit snacks which we will be making next week!

In Computing, we have been practising using directions and positional language ready to programme Bee-Bots.  It was very exciting and we had lots of fun using them!

As part of our Science, we also went for a seasonal stroll.  We walked around our school grounds looking for signs of spring.  We observed some seasonal changes and noticed that many of the trees are now beginning to grow buds. 



Week 3

We've had lots of fun this week making fruit kebabs and smoothies using some of the fruits from Handa’s basket.  We used our designs and practised our preparation skills by peeling, chopping and slicing different fruits.  We tried lots of different fruits and our kebabs were really tasty! 

Later in the week we began to write our recipes.  We wrote a list of ingredients, a list of equipment and a method.   We used time conjunctions to order the instructions in our method. 

In computing, we enjoyed using maps to programme BeeBots to move forwards and backwards between two places. 

We also enjoyed taking part in some orienteering activities this week as part of PE.  Going on a scavenger hunt brought us lots of joy!

Week 4

This week, Year 1 have been learning how to count in 2s and 10s.  We have been listening to different counting songs and working practically to show how we can count in different amounts.  We enjoyed working outside and creating arrays to show how to count in multiples of 2! 

We also enjoyed some orienteering this week and managed to find North, East, South and West on the playground and our school field.   Hiding pictures, then using compass points and directions to help our partners find them was lots of fun! 

Week 5

Year 1 made the most of the sunshine this week with some outdoor learning in Maths!  We are continuing to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, but have also been busy recognising and making equal and unequal groups.  

We used dice to help us recognise equal and unequal groups before heading out onto the playground to make some! 


Week 6

This week, our Year 1 geographers have been busy naming and locating the continents of the world.  We enjoyed listening to and learning the continents song before learning some facts about each one.  We used our class map to locate and label the seven continents and then continued to do this independently in provision throughout the week.  We then learnt about the five oceans and used maps and globes to find them.

In English and Reading, we enjoyed reading some non-fiction texts about jungle animals.  We learnt lots of new facts and enjoyed sharing these with our friends.  We then began to think about the structure of a fact file and the type of information to include.  Year 1 are looking forward to writing their own fact files next week!


Week 7 

This week, we have been busy writing about our favourite jungle animals.  We each chose our favourite animal and created a fact-file to go into our class book. 

We’ve also been practising our artistic drawing skills to create some Kandinsky inspired flowers to decorate the link building.  We used different tools to create a variety of lines and shapes.  We drew and decorated our flowers using the skills we practised and hope they bring lots of joy everyone who sees them!