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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10



At Idle CE Primary School we strive to ensure all pupils are provided with a high-quality mathematics education that provides them with a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject, as per the aims of the National Curriculum, 2014.

It is our intention that our pupils in EYFS are able to gain solid foundations for number, and by the time our pupils progress from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 they have built on these foundations in order to develop a conceptual understanding that allows them to start to build fluency in the fundamental areas of mathematics. As pupils progress through Key Stage 2, they deepen their conceptual understanding and continue to develop their fluency in order to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.

Pupils across school at Idle C.E are given the opportunity to follow lines of enquiry through mathematics in order to develop their reasoning skills and can call upon their ever-growing bank of vocabulary in order to support them with this. This in turn allows pupils to tackle problem-solving with perseverance, curiosity and resilience, preparing them to be able to grapple with maths with growing confidence and enjoyment as they make the transition from primary school to secondary school.  


The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.
— Paul R. Halmos

At Idle CE Primary School our maths curriculum is focused on a mastery approach to number, and through the implementation of the White Rose Maths scheme, we ensure that our pupils learn maths through doing.

From EYFS to Year 6, our maths curriculum is delivered using the CPA approach, allowing our pupils to gain a deep understanding of the concepts being taught through exploration of concrete and manipulative resources, pictoral representations and abstract calculation methods.

The mastery approach taken through the White Rose Maths scheme allows teachers at Idle CE Primary School to put numbers first and focus on re-enforcing knowledge over and over. Teachers are able to plan and adapt learning in order to meet the needs of all pupils, in order to support them with accessing fluency, reasoning and problem-solving within each lesson, enabling learners to acquire the skills they need to become confident and competent mathematicians.

Our mathematics are taught in concept blocks, working on a domain focus at a time that allows pupils to make links, consolidate previous learning and build their conceptual understanding across the units. Pupils develop a secure and deep understanding of the content delivered in lessons and are provided with challenges to extend learners.

The resources that teachers use within their maths curriculum allow them to deliver engaging, fun and thought-provoking activities that inspire pupils to grapple with number and mathematical concepts through a range collaborative and focused tasks.

At Idle C of E Primary School, we recognise that in order for pupils to progress to deeper and more complex problems, children need to be confident and fluent within each strand of the mathematics curriculum; in order to support our pupils with this, fluency of number is a particular focus at Idle C of E and daily fluency tasks are used to enable all pupils to be fluent in all the fundamentals of arithmetic outside of the daily maths lesson.

Pupils are further supported with their in-school learning through the use of high-quality resources for home learning, which include:


Times Tables Rockstars

Mirodo – Year 5 pupils

SATs Companion – Year 6 pupils


“Jesus came to give fullness of life” John 10:10

In line with our school vision, we strive to ensure that all pupils develop in maths in order to grow to become curious, confident, solution-seeking mathematicians and that all pupils, no matter what their starting point, are enabled in order to make progress towards reaching national expectations at the end of Key Stage 2.  

Through our curriculum design, we ensure that our pupils are able to use their mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding in order to access and thrive in the world around them, both in school and in their daily lives in the community we serve. The deep understanding our pupils gain of number provides them with knowledge and skills for the life they have in front of them.

Pupils at Idle CE Primary School are able to achieve consistently well at the end of the Key Stage 2, with pupils leaving Idle above the national average, with a number of pupils consistently demonstrating greater depth of the required standard. However, most importantly, Pupils leave Idle CE as developed mathematicians who are able to apply their learning from across their time at Idle to the curriculum and life beyond our school.