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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10


Welcome from Pete Sayers, our Chair of Governors

Thank you for your interest in Idle CE Primary School. Whether your interest is as an actual or prospective parent or governor I hope you find the information you are looking for on our website. As chair of governors it’s my job to ensure that governance works effectively, that the school is well managed and that its resources are used to provide the best possible education for the children who attend here. It’s also the job of governors to determine the ethos of the school and ensure that the school provides the best possible start to a lifelong learning journey for our pupils, meeting both national standards and the expectations of its various stakeholders. As a voluntary aided Church of England school we work closely with the Diocese of Leeds and with Bradford Local Authority and listen to parents and others who have an interest in helping and working with us. Governors are there to provide challenge and support to the school’s senior leaders and to help solve any problems that may crop up en route.

Our governing board has 14 members, each serving a 4 year term of office. 8 of those are foundation governors appointed by the Church of England, Leeds Diocese, one of whom is the vicar of Holy Trinity Church in Idle. There are 2 parent governors, elected by parents, two staff governors one of which is the headteacher, one co-opted governor and one governor appointed by the Local Authority. The chair of governors, and vice chair, are members of the governing board elected by members for a 2 year period. We meet as a board 5 times a year, and have a number of committees that meet up to 6 times a year.

Governors come from a variety of backgrounds and each bring a wealth of experience, skills and ideas to the governing board.

My own background is in training and development. I worked at the University of Bradford in that capacity until retirement in 2009, and have been a school governor in other schools since 1988. I became chair of governors at Idle in 2021. I have a particular interest in ensuring that both staff and governors get the training and development they need to keep up with developments in educational practice and are equipped and skilled to be excellent at what they do.

School Governors 2023-24

Pete Sayers

Type of Governor: Chair of Governors

Appointed : LA

Date of Appointment: 05/07/2021

End date if Applicable: 04/07/2025

Committee membership:  

Curriculum and Standards

Staffing and Finance

Other educational institutions at which a governor:

Frizinghall Primary & High Crags Primary Leadership Academy

Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:


Anne Mason

Type of Governor: Headteacher (ex officio)

Appointed : LA

Date of Appointment: N/A

End date if Applicable: N/A

Committee membership:  

Curriculum and Standards

Staffing and Finance

Other educational institutions at which a governor:


Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:


Daniel Thornton

Type of Governor: Deputy Chair of Governors

Appointed : Foundation Governor

Date of Appointment: 21/10/2021

End date if Applicable: 20/10/2025

Committee membership:  

Curriculum and Standards

Staffing and Finance

Other educational institutions at which a governor:


Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:


Revd Jim Taylor

Type of Governor: Foundation Governor (ex officio)

Appointed : LA

Date of Appointment: 18/04/2016

End date if Applicable: 

Committee membership:  

Curriculum and Standards

Other educational institutions at which a governor:


Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2021/2022 at FGB:


Attendance  2021/2022 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2021/2022 at Curriculum & Standards:


Yvonne Broadbent

Type of Governor: Foundation Governor 

Appointed : LA

Date of Appointment: 01/09/2022

End date if Applicable: 31/08/2026

Committee membership:  

Curriculum and Standards

Other educational institutions at which a governor:

Low Moor CofE Primary School

Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:


Nicola Roth

Type of Governor: Foundation Governor 

Appointed : Co-opted

Date of appointment: 15/12/2022

End date if Applicable: 14/12/2026

Committee membership:  

Staffing and Finance


Other educational institutions at which a governor:


Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:


Nancy Wiles

Type of Governor: Parent Governor 

Appointed : Parents by vote

Date of Appointment: 22/11/2021

End date if Applicable: 22/11/2025

Committee membership:  

Staffing and Finance

Other educational institutions at which a governor:


Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:


Mark Ford

Clerk to Governors

John Turner



Type of Governor: Foundation Governor 

Appointed : LA

Date of appointment: 2/12/2022 

End date if Applicable: 11/12/2026

Committee membership:  Staffing and Finance


Other educational institutions at which a governor:


Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:


Jacqueline Devereux



Type of Governor: Foundation Governor 

Appointed : Diocese

Date of appointment: December 2023

End date if Applicable: December 2027

Committee membership:  TBC


Other educational institutions at which a governor:


Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:


Sarah Oxford



Type of Governor: Foundation Governor 

Appointed : Diocese

Date of appointment: December 2023

End date if Applicable: December 2027

Committee membership:  TBC


Other educational institutions at which a governor:


Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:


Stephanie Tempest-Mitchell



Type of Governor: Parent Governor

Appointed : Diocese

Date of appointment: December 2023

End date if Applicable: December 2027

Committee membership:  TBC


Other educational institutions at which a governor:


Business interests and data notified:


Any material interests arising from relationships:


Attendance  2022/2023 at FGB:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Staffing & Finance:


Attendance  2022/2023 at Curriculum & Standards:



Governors who have left in the last 12 months

Amy Nelson (Staff Governor)

Edward Sutherland (Parent Governor)

Anna Reynolds (Foundation Governor)

Louise Brown (Foundation Governor)