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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10



The intent of Computing at Idle CE Primary School is to equip our pupils with the necessary skills and knowledge in order to allow them flourish in the digital world. We aim to provide a broad and balanced Computing curriculum that is engaging, relevant, and progressive. Our intent is focused on developing computational thinking, digital literacy, and online safety, ensuring our pupils become responsible and confident digital citizens.

At Idle CE Primary school we believe that Computing is not only a subject in itself, but is also a tool to enhance learning across our thematic curriculum. Through Computing, we intend to foster creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. Moreover, we aim to inspire our students to pursue further studies and careers related to technology.


Our Computing curriculum follows the guidelines set out in the National Curriculum, adhering to the most recent changes and recommendations. We use the Teach Computing curriculum, designed by the National Centre for Computing Education which has been built around an innovative progression framework where computing content has been organised into interconnected networks. The curriculum has been created by subject experts, using the latest pedagogical research and teacher feedback, and it allows teachers at Idle CE Primary School to deliver carefully planned, progressive, and sequenced lessons that build upon prior learning effectively. It encompasses three key strands:

- Computer Science

- Information Technology

- Digital Literacy

Online Safety

At Idle CE Primary School, we promote digital literacy and responsible use of technology by teaching our students about appropriate online behaviour, online safety, assessing sources for credibility, and evaluating the reliability of information. We ensure our students understand the potential risks associated with technology, including cyberbullying and online privacy, and provide them with strategies to protect themselves and others. Where our pupils raise concerns about the digital world around them, we educate and support our pupils through 1:1 support, small group interventions and whole class quality first teaching.

Resources and Infrastructure

At Idle of CE we strive to provide our students with up-to-date hardware, software, and online resources to support their learning. We have a well-equipped bank of mobile devices in the form of tablets, laptops and Chromebooks, allowing students access to technology across the school. We also ensure that our online safety measures and filters are regularly updated to protect students from inappropriate content and online risks.


Our Computing provision has a significant impact on the pupils at Idle CE Primary School and their learning outcomes. Through our intent-driven implementation, our pupils grow to become digitally literate and possess a wide range of technical skills, preparing them for future educational and career pathways. They are equipped with essential skills for the modern workplace, ensuring they become successful contributors to the digital economy no matter what their starting point in life.

Our students develop a deep understanding of Computing concepts, enabling them to apply their knowledge with confidence. Increased attainment in computational thinking, programming, and digital literacy is evident across the school and our pupils are highly motivated to approach challenges with enthusiasm, showing resilience in problem-solving and developing creative solutions. Their excitement for Computing extends beyond the subject, positively impacting their overall engagement in learning.

We see a positive impact on our pupils' behaviour online by consistently and regularly revisiting e-safety within our Computing lessons and discussions and focus in the wider curriculum. Pupils demonstrate a strong understanding of online safety, responsible use of technology, and respect for others' digital rights. They are better equipped to navigate the digital world safely and make informed decisions.

By continuously monitoring and evaluating our intent, implementation, and impact in Computing, we strive to ensure that it meets the evolving needs of our pupils in the fast-paced digital age.

Our digital leaders in Upper Key Stage 2 support their peers through clubs and technical support, making an overall contribution to the wider life of our school.