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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Vision and values

Christian Vision

Our status as a church school is fundamental to who we are at Idle CE(A) Primary School. This is theologically rooted in our Christian Vision of:

 Jesus’ promise of “life in all its fullness” (John 10.10)

for children, young people and adults within our school community to flourish. We are driven by our vision to nurture Christian hope and high expectations for all involved with education of the pupils in our care and to serve the common good.


Throughout the academic year 2022-23, Governors and leaders have reaffirmed our school commitment to this Vision.

Christian Values

Our Christian Values are the outworking of our Christian Vision and reflect the flourishing of all:

Love – loving God and our community, showing love to others and being loved ourselves.

Love for God and our community - to be a loving community and work in partnership with others to support the common good;

Love for others - to develop empathy, understanding and compassion for others who are different to ourselves, creating an inclusive culture where forgiveness and reconciliation are the norm, following Jesus’ example and;

Be loved ourselves - to respect, support and encourage each individual who is wonderfully created in the image of God to enjoy life in all its fullness.


Courage, trusting in God –for our community, for others and for ourselves.

Courageous advocacy for our community - to develop leadership skills and demonstrate courageous advocacy to serve our community for the common good;

Courage when dealing with others - to develop resilience, challenge discrimination and injustice and have the courage to live by the example given to us by Jesus and;

Courage for ourselves - to be courageous as individuals when facing adversity in times of challenge, trusting in God;

Joy – in God and in our community, with others and joy for ourselves.

Joy for our community - being a part of our Christian community, worshipping and praying together, brings us joy and fellowship and the fullness of life Jesus came to give.

Joy with others - living and working together and building relationships with others brings joy, sharing expressions of gratitude, friendship and thanks and;

Joy for ourselves - to know God through Jesus Christ brings us joy, trusting in Him and his love for us.