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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Summer Term 2024

Week 1

We have had a great first week back in school! 

In history, we investigated the role the Anglo-Saxons played in our history and discussed the importance of the discovery at Sutton Hoo.

In PE we started our new PE topics, athletics and orienteering, with fun games focused on team work. "I enjoyed PE because we worked together in teams!" Grace

"Learning about decimals was interesting because there are lots of different ways to think about parts of numbers." Fouzan

We are looking forward to writing our own descriptive narratives based on the story 'The Rhythm of the Rain' by Grahame Baker-Smith.

Week 2

We all enjoyed making our tables' vocabulary mobiles to support our writing, which is based on the book 'Rhythm of the Rain'.


In music we sang a song called H2O and learnt it was one of the things we can't live without. Did you know H stands for Hydrogen and O stands for Oxygen? 

Grace - "I enjoyed singing H2O because it was fun and I also learnt alot."

We all did really well in our end of block and arithmetic tests!

Week 3

This week we have been busy in maths learning about decimals, and rounding decimals to the nearest integer - or whole number. 

"Rounding decimals was tricky but really fun!" Molly

In project, we learnt about the process of the water cycle. We used three key words - Condensation, Evaporation and Precipitation.


In English we finished our amazing assessed writes, describing a jar of water's journey around the world!

Week 4

On Tuesday we visited our linking school, Iqra Academy in Bradford. We played lots of team building games with one of the Year 4 classes there. Our favourite was noughts and crosses!

We made new friends by working together to build the tallest, sturdiest tower using cardboard boxes, paper and tape!

Before we left, we made friendship bracelets for our new friends at Iqra.

We're really looking forward to their visit to see us next Tuesday!

Week 5

On Tuesday Iqra visited Idle. We saw our friends from when we visited Iqra and made new ones. We worked together to make our own Together Towns and wrote a poem together about how we can make our towns clean, healthy and safe.


At the end of the day we went outside and it was great fun rolling down the hill. We can't wait to see them again!

"It was fun seeing our friends again and learning more about them." - Rayne

"It was an amazing experience making new friends and working together." - Saisha


Week 6

This week we have had lots of fun learning about solids, liquids and gases in science. We measured melting ice over the day and investigated how some foods melt!


"It was fun learning about the properties of solids, liquids and gas!" - Amelia

We looked at the artist William Morris in art and made scrapbook pages in our sketchbooks about him.

"We learnt about William Morris in art. We loved seeing all of his wallpaper designs!" - Daphne


"We learnt how to do hatching and stippling as ways of adding tone to our drawings." - Thomas

"I loved learning about money and decimals in maths this week!" - Arthur

"This week has been really fun because we got to write rhetorical questions!" - Libby